Your NxFive adventure starts here
If you considere yourself as an ambassador of business development or know that making money while you helping others to making more too is a type of implication that give you a real meaninfull to step up in the morning. We have to talk !!!
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Because you deceided to take advantage of our disruptive business model, create your personnal lifestyle and you will no longer have to work, just having fun to help entreprenors and consumers to live in a better environment and built your own active-passive income dream enterprise.
For our first 25 licencies, we offering a 50% cashdown option and offer you to pay the balance base on 20% of your monthly revenues. Territory have a valuation base on metrics like general population, number of businesses, density and others metrics that giving a pricing between 75K to 100K so between 37,5K to 50K initial investment. And it’s done. No lease, no equipment, no employee. We helping you to recrute 4-6 100% commission base sales agents with a 500$/week cash advance strategy.
As a new liciencee you can consider to make 70-100K$ per year in the first 2-3 years if you only manage the territory. If you implicated yourself as a sale rep, you can imagine making additionnal 75-150K/y depending on your personnal time investment. And it’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Our goal Is your success. The opportunity to operate your own business under the umbrella of the most dynamic start ups out there is at your finger tips.
Create your free account and minutes and join others into the circular economy.
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